Browsing Investigaciones by Title
Now showing items 379-390 of 390
Uncoupled Majorana fermions in open quantum systems: On the efficient simulation of non-equilibrium stationary states of quadratic Fermi models
(BarranquillaFísicaSede Norte, 2021-01-14)A decomposition of the non-equilibrium stationary state of a quadratic Fermi system influenced by linear baths is obtained and used to establish a simulation protocol in terms of tensor states. The scheme is then applied ...
Unveiling the age and origin of biogenic aggregates produced by earthworm species with their NIRS fingerprint in a subalpine meadow of Central Pyrenees
(BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020-08-12)In this study the near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectra signals (750–2,500 nm) of soil samples was compared with the NIR signals of the biogenic aggregates produced in the lab by three earthworm species, i.e., Aporrectodea ...
Use of sludge ash from drinking water treatment plant in hydraulic mortars
(BarranquillaIngeniería QuímicaSede Norte, 2020-01-13)The present study investigated the use of sludge ash from water treatment plants as supplementary cementing material, elaborating hydraulic mortars with different levels of cement replacement by sludge ash (10 wt% and 30 ...
Using a Separable Mathematical Entropy to Construct Entropy-Stable Schemes for a Reduced Blood Flow Model
(BarranquillaLicenciatura en MatemáticasSede Norte, 2022-09-13)The aim of this paper is to derive a separable entropy for a one-dimensional reduced blood flow model, which will be used to treat the symmetrizability of the model in full generality and for constructing entropy ...
Uso de las TIC en Arquitectura: experiencia de un programa tecnólogo de la Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
(BarranquillaArquitecturaSede Norte, 2020-12-01)Analizar los procesos de enseñanza basados en el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC) de los docentes del programa Tecnología en Gestión de la Construcción de Proyectos Arquitectónicos y su ...
Vaivén de diferenciación e integración en la poesía de J. Á Valente
(BarranquillaArte DramáticoSede Norte, 2018-09-30)Estudiamos el Vaivén de diferenciación e integración en la poesía de J. Á. Valente, en las lógicas combinatorias de los signos, la multidimensionalidad del poema que se libera de la línea para evolucionar de plano en plano, ...
Variables para medir la vulnerabilidad físico-espacial a inundaciones en asentamientos informales: Caso de estudio arroyo La Esmeralda en el distrito de Barranquilla-Colombia
(BarranquillaLicenciatura en Ciencias SocialesSede Norte, 2018-10-08)En el proceso de incorporación de la gestión de riesgos al Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial del distrito de Barranquilla, la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a inundaciones muestra que el sector suroccidental de la ciudad ...
Virtual Education for All: Systematic Review
(BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020-06-15)This article deals with the systematic review of the literature on virtual education for all. Accurately, this work responds to questions such as: What are the technological and pedagogical considerations to implement ...
Visiones de mundo del poemario Rostro en la soledad de Héctor Rojas Herazo
(BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020-09-13)La civilización occidental, cuyos pilares son la cultura griega con sus mitos y su filosofía, en la expansión del mundo cristiano, ha influido siempre, como eje de referencia o reminiscencia en las artes. En el poemario ...
Vulnerability of Special Agreements Signed by NonState Armed Groups in Non-International Conflicts*
(BarranquillaSede Norte, 2019-10-03)International law has recognized the existence and legal force of special agreements signed by non-state armed groups —NSAG — in the context of non-international armed conflicts -NIAC-. Nevertheless, considering the poor ...
Wind Speed Prediction Based on Univariate ARIMA and OLS on the Colombian Caribbean Coast
(BarranquillaIngeniería IndustrialSede Norte, 2020-06-10)techniques for wind speed forecasting. However, although there are multiple studies, none are set up for the Colombia Caribbean coast. This is a disadvantage because the potential of wind resources in this region is greater ...
Zn(II)-tetracarboxy-phthalocyanine-Sensitized TiO2 Thin Films as Antimicrobial Agents under Visible Irradiation: a Combined DFT and Experimental Study
(BarranquillaQuímicaSede Norte, 2021-05-20)In this article, we studied the antimicrobial activity of TiO2 sensitized by the Zn(II)-tetracarboxy-phthalocyanine (TcPcZn) complex using TiO2-Degussa P25 as a semiconductor source. The TiO2 thin films were deposited by ...