• Blogging as a writing strategy to enhance writing skills of young EFL learners 

      Meriño Vásquez, Luis Guillermo; Ortiz Vergara, Leonel Fabián (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      The present study focused on the problem of the written production of students whose final texts are so inaccurate that they do not meet the expectations of the teacher because they do not follow a serious writing process ...

    • Improving 9th graders’ oral production in english through cooperative learning strategies 

      Díaz Molina, Martha Lucia; Hamburger Caro, Kevin Rafael; Sierra Rueda, Andrés Eduardo (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      The aim of this paper is to develop a pedagogical proposal that shows the importance and the role that cooperative methodology plays in the development of speaking skills. It also was implemented in the classroom in order ...

    • Improving fluency through storytelling in spoken english in third level english students 

      Guzmán Guerrero, María Angélica; Iglesias Gutiérrez, Joshuan Zaid; Mancilla Viloria, Alexandra Paola (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      Storytelling, Folktales and stories can be used as a tool in order to strengthen fluency, speaking skill and communicative competence. Students of 3rd level at CLE, Universidad del Atlántico, were tested using storytelling, ...

    • Improving skeaping skills and vocabulary through ludic taks and funny activities in 7th grade students ar Marco Fidel Suarez School 

      García Márquez, Odalis Daliana; Mendoza Ruiz, Jhon Michael (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      Seventh grade students from Marco Fidel Suárez School had a poor knowledge of English vocabulary and speaking skill. Through a didactical strategy and using ludic and fun games, students improved their vocabulary and were ...

    • Improving speaking skills in EFL through cognitive strategies with students of 8th grade at a public school 

      Mesa Henao, Yuly Angélica; Novoa Navarro, Nancy María; Reyes Parra, Adriana (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      The main objective of this research project is to show how the use of cognitive strategies based on practicing could help the students to overcome the speaking obstacles. The research questions that guide our study were: ...

    • Improving speaking skills through music in students of 8° grade at Meira Delmar school 

      Cárcamo Escorcia, Miguel Ernesto; García Vergara, Duvan José; Navarro Bethel, Diego Ángel (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      Achieving effective oral production is one of the biggest obstacles in learning a second language; for that reason, the purpose of this work is to improve speaking skills by using musical strategies that analyze the behavior ...

    • Storytelling as an effective method for improving speaking skill in children 

      Lamadrid Bacca, Kate Juliany; Torregrosa De La Hoz, Karol Andrea (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      Learning a language is like crawling in early childhood: it has a purpose and there are agents that influence the success of it. One of the important aspects when learning a foreign language is the communication need as ...

    • The development of english communication in students of a public school 

      Barrios Castilla, Yoiner Andrés; Buelvas Heredia, Trinidad Karine; Coronado Villa, Carlos David (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      Seventh grade students from Alexander Von Humboldt School had a poor knowledge of English vocabulary and oral communication. Through a didactical strategy and using movies, short films and series, students improved their ...

    • Use of audiovisual aids to improve listening comprehension 

      Téllez Téllez, Jenifer Hasbleydi; Mejía Pianeta, Tracy Carolina (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      This qualitative study seeks to find limitations affecting students’ performance in listening exercises. This study also looks to help students to improve their listening skills through the application of listening strategies. ...

    • Writing strategies to avoid syntax errors 

      Altamar Orozco, Yenibeth; Gutiérrez Regino, Laura Marcela (BarranquillaSede Norte, 2020)
      In this project Writing strategies to avoid syntax errors in architecture students of first semester at Universidad del Atlántico, it was analyzed the writing behavior in first semester of architecture students from this ...


      Institución Pública de Educación Superior | Sujeta a la inspección y vigilancia del Ministerio de Educación Nacional | Nit. 890102257-3
      Sede Norte: Carrera 30 Número 8- 49 Puerto Colombia - Atlántico | Sede Centro: Carrera 43 Número 50 - 53 Barranquilla- Atlántico.
      Bellas Artes- Museo de Antropología: Calle 68 Número 53- 45 Barranquilla- Atlántico | Sede Regional Sur: Calle 7 No. 23-5 Barrio Abajo Suan- Atlántico
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