Improving speaking skills through music in students of 8° grade at Meira Delmar school
Cárcamo Escorcia, Miguel Ernesto
García Vergara, Duvan José
Navarro Bethel, Diego Ángel
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Achieving effective oral production is one of the biggest obstacles in learning a second language; for that reason, the purpose of this work is to improve speaking skills by using musical strategies that analyze the behavior of students at the time of learning and develop their speech in a second language in the nature of the correlational study to evaluate their potential; this research used the qualitative method, with a research-action design, under the interpretive paradigm. The sample was 15 students between 12 and 13 years old, there were eight boys and seven girls. After the application of the pedagogical proposal, the results were satisfactory, this suggests that with a good disposition and a good strategy the objectives can be achieved.
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Institución Pública de Educación Superior | Sujeta a la inspección y vigilancia del Ministerio de Educación Nacional | Nit. 890102257-3
Sede Norte: Carrera 30 Número 8- 49 Puerto Colombia - Atlántico | Sede Centro: Carrera 43 Número 50 - 53 Barranquilla- Atlántico.
Bellas Artes- Museo de Antropología: Calle 68 Número 53- 45 Barranquilla- Atlántico | Sede Regional Sur: Calle 7 No. 23-5 Barrio Abajo Suan- Atlántico
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