Synthesis and Application of a Cationic Polyamine as Yankee Dryer Coating Agent for the Tissue Paper-Making Process
Tissue paper is of high importance worldwide and, continuously, research is focused on improvements of the softening and durability properties of the paper which depend specifically on the production process. Polyamide-amine-epichlorohydrin (PAE) resins along with release agents are widely used to adhere the paper to the yankee dryer (creping cylinder) in paper manufacture. Nevertheless, these resins are highly cationic and they normally adhere in excess to the paper which negatively a ects the creping process and the quality of the paper. For this reason, a low cationic polyamine-epichlorohydrin coating (Polycoat 38®) was synthesized from a diamine supplied by Disproquin S.A.S. and epichlorohydrin. The analysis of the synthesized polymer was carried out by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR). The molecular weight of the polymer was obtained by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), physical-chemical properties such as kinematic viscosity, percentage of solids, density, charge density were measured and compared with a commercial PAE resin (Dispro620®) Thermal stability of the Polycoat 38® and glass transition temperature in presence of a release agent (Disprosol 17®) were also evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and di erential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Finally, a peel adhesion test and an absorption durability assessment were carried out together with the evaluation of the creeping e ciency of the paper by caliber and tensile measurements in a tissue (towel paper) production plant, demonstrating a superior performance in the paper creping process as compared to some commercially available products.
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