Listar por autor "Tappi, Silvia"
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Influence of Atmospheric Cold Plasma Exposure on Naturally Present Fungal Spores and Physicochemical Characteristics of Sundried Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Molina-Hernandez, Junior Bernardo (BarranquillaIngeniería AgroindustrialSede Norte, 2022-01-13)This research aimed to evaluate the impact of atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) treatment on the fungal spores naturally present in sundried tomatoes, as well as their influence on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant ...
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Bellas Artes- Museo de Antropología: Calle 68 Número 53- 45 Barranquilla- Atlántico | Sede Regional Sur: Calle 7 No. 23-5 Barrio Abajo Suan- Atlántico
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